children's ministry

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it."

Proverbs 22:6 

No greater impact is there to be made than to lead kids into a lasting relationship with God. Jesus wanted no-one to hinder the children from coming to Him and that is just as important today as it has ever been. Our hearts is to see the children draw near to Jesus and honor Him all the days of their lives.

Sunday Mornings

Who We Are

We are a group of Christ followers who believe that children are the future! These little ones are important to Jesus, therefore they are important to MLCC. We want to help these children to learn more about Christ and we have a desire to help them to grow in Him! 

What We Do

Blending fun activities with teaching Christ honoring principles we try to help the children have a desire to return each week. There are fun games and crafts, and instruction each Sunday. We nurture the children to help them grow into young adults who will honor the Lord Jesus with their lives.

Why We Do It

We think kids are here for a reason, and they just need love and understanding. Our goal is to give them what they need to grow up as awesome kids who will make God proud. We trust that God's got their backs with everything they need for life and goodness, and we're here to help make it happen.

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